Outdoor Climbing Hiking Equipment Camping Rope

This Outdoor Climbing Hiking Equipment Camping Rope is multi-purpose and can be used for a number of things like fishing, netting, climbing, or rescue. For use in the water and UV protection, it is also an abrasion-resistant rope it comes in handy. While camping, trekking, hiking, or during a trip you can use it to tie down tents, dry clothes, set up tents, and mark trails. Made of high-quality materials it is both durable and strong. So don't forget to include this Outdoor Climbing Hiking Equipment Camping Rope for your next outdoor activity.
- Type: Paracord 550 Rope
- Type: 3 - 4 Person Tent
- Accessory Type: Rope
- Diameter: 4mm
- Standard: 7 Stand Cores
- Resistance to Breaking: Around 550/480kg
- Function: Survival Life Saving
- Outdoor Activity: Camping, Hiking, Climbing
- Outdoor Tools: Parachute Cord
- Hiking Clothesline: Survival Equipment
- Camping Rope: Tent Accessories