Lighter Outdoor Camping Stove

Lighter Outdoor Camping Stove is extremely lightweight and suitable for all outdoor activities like camping, hiking, trekking, or picnic. It is also extremely easy to set up and use so that you have a good experience while outdoor cooking without any hassle. Made of excellent quality stainless steel + iron. It is durable and will provide last through a lot of your outdoor cooking adventures.
- Fuel: Butane / Propane Gas(not included)
- Material: Stainless Steel + Iron
- Power: 2800W
- Gas consumption: 90g/h
- Ignition: Piezoelectric Ignition
- Unfolded Size: 22.5 x 9.5cm / 8.9 x 3.7in (D x H)
- Folding Size: 11 x 10.5 x 9cm / 4.3 x 4.1 x 3.5in
- Package Size: 11.2 x 11.2 x 9.5cm / 4.4 x 4.4 x 3.7in
- Package Weight: 450g / 15.9oz
- 1 x Stove
- 1 x Pouch