Water Bottle Holder Webbing Backpack Buckle

This useful Water Bottle Holder Webbing Backpack Buckle is made of exceptionally durable material, making it perfect for all kinds of circumstances. hiking, trekking, camping, mountaineering, backpacking, picnics, and travel are examples of outdoor activities. Practically any outdoor activity can be done while wearing this Water Bottle Holder Webbing Backpack Buckle. This Water Bottle Holder Webbing Backpack Buckle is very strong. This Water Bottle Holder Webbing Backpack Buckle is incredibly sturdy and simple to use. For example, it can be used to hang a water bottle while camping. Available in three colors.
- Material: Double-layer Polypropylene Ribbon + Plastic Hook
- Expand Size: 21*2.5cm
- Folding Size: 13.5*2.5cm
- Color: Black, Olive Green, Khaki
- Package: 1 Pc